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Classification and analysis of acrylonitrile content in nitrile rubber latex

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Among polymer materials, nitrile rubber latex has become an indispensable part of the industry with its unique properties and wide range of applications. As a polymer emulsion prepared by emulsion polymerization of butadiene and acrylonitrile, nitrile rubber latex not only inherits the elasticity and toughness of rubber, but also obtains great oil resistance, solvent resistance and low temperature resistance due to the addition of acrylonitrile. This paper will explore the mystery of nitrile rubber latex from two dimensions of classification, specification and physical properties.
Classification and specification
The classification of nitrile rubber latex is mainly based on the different acrylonitrile content, which directly determines the performance characteristics and application fields of latex. In general, according to the different acrylonitrile content, nitrile rubber latex is divided into three types of high nitrile, medium nitrile and low nitrile.
High acrylonitrile latex: Usually contains a high proportion of acrylonitrile, which gives high acrylonitrile latex great oil and solvent resistance. In applications requiring a high degree of chemical stability, such as automotive fuel system seals, chemical equipment linings, etc., high nitrile rubber latex has become the material of choice. Its great oil resistance ensures stable physical and chemical properties even in long-term exposure to various oils and solvents.
Medium acrylonitrile latex: Moderate acrylonitrile content, which not only retains good oil resistance, but also takes into account other aspects of performance balance. Nitrile rubber latex is widely used in the manufacturing of gloves, rubber shoes and other labor protection products, and its moderate oil resistance and good mechanical properties provide reliable protection for users
Low acrylonitrile latex: The acrylonitrile content is low, so its oil resistance is relatively weak, but it performs well in other aspects such as low temperature performance and processing performance. Low nitrile rubber latex is often used to make some products that do not require high oil resistance, but need good low temperature elasticity and processing properties, such as wire and cable sheaths, building sealing materials, etc.
In addition to being classified by acrylonitrile content, nitrile rubber (the solid form of nitrile rubber latex) is often classified according to mooney viscosity values. Mooney viscosity is an important index to measure the processing property of rubber. Different mooney viscosity values correspond to different processing characteristics and application requirements. For example, nitrile butadiene rubber with low mooney viscosity is easy to process and is suitable for manufacturing products with complex shapes; the high mooney viscosity nitrile butadiene rubber has better physical properties and wear resistance, and is suitable for more demanding applications.
Physical property
The physical properties of nitrile rubber latex are also rich and colorful, and its color, odor, density and other characteristics not only reflect the basic properties of latex, but also are closely related to its application performance.
Color: Nitrile rubber latex is usually milky or yellowish, which is due to the conjugated double bonds and auxiliaries contained in its molecular structure. The color depth can reflect the purity of latex and the level of production technology to a certain extent.
Odor: Nitrile rubber latex has a unique rubber odor, which is produced by the volatilization of functional groups and auxiliaries on its polymer chain. Although the smell itself does not directly affect the performance of latex, for users, understanding its odor characteristics helps to judge the quality and freshness of latex.
Density: The density of nitrile rubber latex increases slightly with the increase of acrylonitrile content. This is because acrylonitrile molecules are heavier than butadiene molecules, so the density of high-nitrile rubber latex is relatively high. The change of density not only affects the physical properties of latex, but also affects some parameters in its processing and application, such as fluidity and curing speed.
In summary, the classification, specifications and physical properties of nitrile rubber latex are the basis for its performance and application. Through in-depth understanding of these basic knowledge, we can better select and use nitrile rubber latex, an great polymer material, to contribute to the development of all walks of life.